Professional Networking

  • Professional Networking

    Tradeshows & Conventions

    Long Live Exhibition- Trade shows and conventions are excellent opportunities for companies to increase brand awareness, showcase products and services, and to secure sales qualified leads. Yet, standing out in a sea of competitors can be especially challenging. The art of a successful trade show campaign is being able to tell a story that resonates with attendees and that leaves a lasting impression. It starts by effectively captivating your audience, highlight the unique value of your company, and following up using a thoughtful, tailored approach. To resonate with your potential clients you will need to… Be professional. Dress and present yourself in a professional manner at all times, including when…

  • Professional Networking

    First Impressions

    The Fundamentals of a Great First Impression- First impressions matter. They last well beyond the moment and can have a lasting primacy affect on those you meet. Behavioral science tells us that people tend to remember a bad first impression. Conscious of it or not, we all tend to hold onto that initial bias, which can significantly impact the potential of our relationships. We should use this knowledge to our advantage, and learn to carry momentum of a positive first impression to better connect socially and professionally. Though each subject deserves the proper attention to detail, as a basic guideline, these are the five fundamentals of creating a great first…