• Professional Networking

    Tradeshows & Conventions

    Long Live Exhibition- Trade shows and conventions are excellent opportunities for companies to increase brand awareness, showcase products and services, and to secure sales qualified leads. Yet, standing out in a sea of competitors can be especially challenging. The art of a successful trade show campaign is being able to tell a story that resonates with attendees and that leaves a lasting impression. It starts by effectively captivating your audience, highlight the unique value of your company, and following up using a thoughtful, tailored approach. To resonate with your potential clients you will need to… Be professional. Dress and present yourself in a professional manner at all times, including when…

  • The Art of Dining Out

    The Art of Dining Out

    The Art of Dining Out- We are all hard-wired to seek out and savor food. Dining out in particular can be a special experience for us to explore new foods, see new places, and socialize. These experiences are powerful in the way they can uplift our spirits and allow us relish in all of our senses. From casually going out for fast food to fine dining with potential clients, there is an art to dining out that can greatly elevate our enjoyment of food, sense of place, and connection with others. The art of dining out can be practiced anywhere, and fundamentally starts with our interactions with others. The etiquette…

  • Professional Networking

    First Impressions

    The Fundamentals of a Great First Impression- First impressions matter. They last well beyond the moment and can have a lasting primacy affect on those you meet. Behavioral science tells us that people tend to remember a bad first impression. Conscious of it or not, we all tend to hold onto that initial bias, which can significantly impact the potential of our relationships. We should use this knowledge to our advantage, and learn to carry momentum of a positive first impression to better connect socially and professionally. Though each subject deserves the proper attention to detail, as a basic guideline, these are the five fundamentals of creating a great first…

  • Around Town

    Modern Driving Etiquette

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Modern Driving Etiquette– In a fast-paced world, practicing etiquette while driving a motor vehicle can be especially challenging. Rude, overaggressive, and distracted driving is all too common in each corner of the world. A great way to counteract this is to remember to be present and patient when behind the wheel, setting the example for others on the road. Driving can be an ideal place to practice etiquette and self-mastery. Be mindful that rudeness on the road, intentional or not, can add to unnecessary stress in our lives. Practicing driving etiquette can alleviate a lot of that stress and make daily driving a more enjoyable…

  • Sports & Recreation

    Sports & Recreation

    Good Sportsmanship Matters– Playing sports is a great way to better our mental and physical health. It engages us, providing ambition to exercise, relieve stress, and socialize. Sports can also be a valuable opportunity to improve our communication skills. Whether competing individually or workings as a team, athletics often require clear and effective communication to succeed. Above all, sports are meant to be fun, and to ensure that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience, good sportsmanship matters. Good sportsmanship goes hand in hand with etiquette both on and off the field. Emotional can run high in competitive sports, and players can face tremendous pressure to win. Like in any…

  • At Home

    At Home

    Etiquette Starts at Home– Etiquette starts at home, among our families, significant others, and roommates. It starts with a smile, “hi” or “good morning”. A simple act to make others comfortable in shared space. It extends to making pleasant conversation and expressing gratitude whenever possible. It is the habitual language we use that our character is built upon. At home, with the ones we are closest, is the best opportunity to practice the art of conversation. Family dining is an art in itself. Design your home culture around it. Eat together table side, engaged and present in each others company, silencing phones and devices. Be on time. If not, let…

  • The Art of Conversation

    The Art of Conversation

    The Essential Art of Conversation- Mastery of self may be a lifelong pursuit, yet thankfully Anyone can be a good conversationalist. It’s a learned skill that requires no pressing need to be witty or especially eloquent in our speech. It’s also a skill that we practice daily, affecting almost every aspect of life. A good conversationalist is at ease in expressing themselves, allowing for tighter social bonds and greater opportunities to network. They can better promote peace, align action, and motivate those around them. To be a good conversationalist is an art, and requires little more than a mindful commitment to listen and be thoughtful in our words. Listening is…

  • Self.


    A Modern Framework for Health & Wellness- Sleep, Diet, and Exercise. Our cellular capacity to generate energy sustains our bodies. These processes are well understood, and known to be impacted by our ability to obtain sufficient sleep, eat a nutrient-rich diet, and exercise regularly. Everything evolves or breaks down, including our bodies. Neurobiology reflects this in the body’s remarkable ability to heal and change, as well its propensity for disease. Disease prevention and overall health is largely built upon our habits, prioritize it. We can to design our lives and practice routine aimed at optimizing our health and wellbeing. Self-mastery is hard. Setting specific goals towards building strength, flexibility, and…

  • Etiquette 101

    Etiquette 101

    Foundations of Etiquette– A natural reflection of our culture, etiquette evolves. It changes alongside our societies, and within professional circles to form our unwritten rules of agreeable and accepted behavior. It becomes a standardization of protocol and the lens used to view the actions of others. Yet the essence of etiquette is timeless and does not change in its’ philosophy. It has and always will be a commitment to convey respect, consideration, and honesty onto others. This philosophy is inherent in us, and the very foundations upon which our societies are built. It’s one based in survival and securing the basic human needs of decency and kindness. Respect involves acknowledging…