The Avant Life | Consulting Agency

Our world is changing fast. From globalization and advancements in automation, to the ongoing impact of the covid-19 pandemic, businesses today face a number of new challenges. Our service industries in particular have witnessed crippling difficulties in retaining top talent, and in keeping pace with seismic shifts toward personalized service experiences. To ensure long-term success in this uncertain market, businesses will need to focus more on employee development and maintain a strong organizational culture. The Avant Life Consulting Agency is a sole proprietorship that specializes in implementing best practices of cultural development and professional etiquette into practical business standards. I offer clients consultation, coaching, and a measure to optimize talent through programs supported by a Predictive Index model. The mission for this consultancy is to work in partnership with clients, maximizing return on investment by designing programs specific to their needs. My approach to training is comfortable and practical. I recognize that lasting change can only come about gradually and through practice. Increment by increment. To support continued development, I offer clients scheduled follow-ups, post-implementation assessment, and an online learning platform. I invite you to explore some of the programs offered and to schedule a consultation to see how we can partner to advance your organizational goals. Alex Latorre, Program Consultant

Our world is changing fast. From globalization and advancements in automation, to the ongoing impact of the covid-19 pandemic, businesses today face a number of new challenges. Our service industries in particular have witnessed crippling difficulties in retaining top talent, and in keeping pace with seismic shifts toward personalized service experiences. To ensure long-term success in this market, businesses will need to direct their attention towards employee development and maintaining a strong organizational culture.

The Avant Life Consulting Agency is a sole proprietorship that specializes in implementing best practices of cultural development and professional etiquette into practical business standards. I offer clients consultation, coaching, and a measure to optimize talent through custom training programs supported by a Predictive Index model.

The mission for this consultancy is to work in partnership with clients, maximizing return on investment by designing programs specific to their needs. My approach to training is comfortable and practical. I recognize that lasting change can only come about gradually and through practice. Increment by increment. To support continued development, I offer clients scheduled follow-ups, post-implementation assessment, and access to an online learning platform.

I invite you to explore some of the programs offered and to schedule a consultation to see how we can partner to advance your organizational goals.

Alex Latorre, Program Consultant

Program Foundations

Service & Hospitality

A hands-on approach to service etiquette. Clients are able to customize programs designed to optimize the guest experience and standardize excellence. I work with small business development to established global luxury brands.

Organizational Culture

A blueprint for high performance culture. From establishing best practices in hiring, on-boarding, and training, I offer my clients a people-first approach to employee development supported by Predictive Index to meet their organizational goals.

Professional Networking

Comprehensive programs that deliver insight into modern practices of professional conduct and poise. The programs offered are focused on the development of personal branding, executive presence, and corporate communication.


Orlando's service and hospitality industry is thriving. Foreign visitors to the metro area, along with trade show and convention activity have been on an upward trajectory since December 2021. As a result, the demand for hotel rooms, lodging, and dining closely resembles that of the pre-health crisis period. Market reports show that Orlando's hotel occupancy, average daily rate (ADR), and revenue generated per available room (REVPAR) have made full recoveries. To be competitive in this trending market and maximize return on investment, organizations will need to consistently deliver a better service and employee experience through enhancing the skills of their leadership teams and staff. The Avant Life Consulting Agency is a sole proprietorship that specializes in the development of training programs focused on world-class service standards and realizing lasting organizational culture. As the founder and facilitator, I have decades of experience in the developing programs aimed at optimizing the modern service experience, working with renowned organizations like Darden Restaurants, Hyatt Hotels, and The Four Seasons Orlando. I offer my clients one-on-one consultation, customized training programs, and continued organizational support through an extensive online learning curriculum. My approach to training is comfortable and practical. I recognize that lasting change can only come about gradually and through practice. Increment by increment. The programs offered are designed around your business goals and are meant to be integrated into the organization's daily culture. I employ modern behavior tools like Predictive Index to better leverage my experience in on-boarding, skills training, team building, and leadership development. The goal for this consultancy is to work in partnership with clients to best ensure optimal employee and customer engagement. I do this through a comprehensive selection of customizable training programs focused on the art of modern business and service etiquette standards. I invite you to explore the programs offered through my consultancy and to schedule a free consultation to see how we can partner to advance your organizational goals.
Mastering etiquette is a lifelong pursuit, yet thankfully anyone can be a good conversationalist. It is an essential art that impacts almost every aspect of our lives. To master the art of conversation there is no pressing need to be witty or particularly eloquent in your speech. It requires only that you listen and be thoughtful in your words. Listening is a learned skill however, and goes beyond not interrupting someone as they are speaking. To listen is to be present. It is to express genuine interest through eye contact and open body language. It is to be engaged and to acknowledge the speaker through paraphrasing what was said, the occasional nod, or by injecting affirming statements like “sure” and “I see”. Listening is also in asking open-ended questions to better sense the speakers’ meaning and intent. Etiquette is listen to understand, not to respond. Be thoughtful with your words. Try to withhold judgment or offer advice when not asked. Pick up on the rhythm of the person speaking, allowing them to complete their thoughts before reflecting back and conveying your own opinions. Keep conversation light, positive, and approachable by engaging in small talk, which can carry the momentum of the conversation. Negativity and heavier, divisive subject matter can stifle a good conversation. Although cliche, avoid discussing views of politics, sex, or religion, as many people find these topics highly personal and could turn the conversation into a verbal battle. Instead use shared experiences and common interest to better connect. A good conversationalist is relaxed and patient. They are genuine and modest in the way they represent themselves. They are concise in expressing ideas and mindful not to dominate the conversation by sharing excessive details or monologging. They understand that conversation is a two-way street and that there is value in opposing viewpoints. To master the art of conversation is also knowing when and how to end one. End on a high note. Be considerate to potential time constraints for yourself and others. Leave a lasting impact by projecting future plans to meet or offering a final enduring message. Above all, be gracious in having the opportunity to connect with others. Alex Latorre, Etiquette Coach

Dynamic Consultation

A true consultant experience. My priority is establishing trust with my clients, through intellectual understanding and fully exploring underlying issues. I offer a strong degree of useful content, process, and feedback focused on recommendations specific to your project.

Initial consultation is free of charge, detailing conceptual agreement, measures of success, and determining mutual value to maximize your return on investment.

Custom Development Programs

A comprehensive and customizable set of programs focused on best practices in service, business etiquette, and organizational culture. Each program includes skills training, behavioral tools, and messaging designed for the individual audience to support engagement.

Clients have the option to choose from a menu of subject matter and proprietary programs to meet their project needs. Web-based options are available for remote teams.

Post-Implementation Support

An incremental, long-term approach to development. To safegaurd lasting change each project is supported by custom presentational documents and access to online learning portals. Each stakeholder receiving personal assessment and follow-up action plan.

As a client partner I take on the responsibility updating online training modules, skills testing, and innovative talent optimization exercises using a Predictive Index model.

For over a decade I’ve had the privilege of working as a sommelier, restaurant manager, and cultural director for a collection of luxury resorts where I get to indulge high profile guests, club members, and residents. I love the work. My roles have largely involved coaching on the finer elements of service and wine, though most importantly, it has been engaging and forming genuine connections with our staff and guests. Through my work I have had the opportunity to connect with people from a wide range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Most are great people, of not exceptional. Though I have come to recognize that good behavior and basic etiquette are not a given, and that some people, no matter their background, are simply unpleasant to be around. To combat the occasional bad behavior, and moreover optimize my interactions with guests and colleagues, I became obsessive in the pursuit of better etiquette practices to blend into our work culture. The result of my obsession is this blog, The Avant Life, inspired by hundreds of hours of research, refinement, and practical application of modern etiquette techniques. My colleagues and I have since committed to daily etiquette practice, and each of us have witnessed dramatic improvements in our work and personal lives. Through this blog I wanted to share these techniques in hope that others could successfully apply them to their own personal and professional endeavors. I wish you the best towards your adventures in modern etiquette. Alex Latorre, Etiquette Coach

Alex Latorre, Program Consultant

After earning his bachelors degree in Business Management at the University of Central Florida, Alex begun his journey in hospitality in 2002 by opening Season’s 52 Orlando, at the time, a new Darden Restaurant concept. Within the next five years, he would go on to receive his certification through the Court of Master Sommeliers, while opening over a dozen additional expansion restaurants throughout the U.S. as a certified trainer.

By 2007 Alex transitioned into working with independent restauranteurs to develop two high-profile restaurant concepts in the Tampa and Orlando metro areas. Over the next ten years he found success as a restaurant manager and sommelier, with his restaurants winning multiple accolades, including Wine Spectator, for elevated wine program. During that time Alex also found his love for live jazz, and his niche in bringing it back into the local fine dining scene. Good times were had.

In 2016 Alex took on the managing role of The Four Seasons Resorts Orlando’s flagship restaurant, where two years later it was one of the first in the state of Florida to be awarded a Michelin Star. Starting in 2022, Alex privately took on his first consultancy and long-term client partnership with a luxury residential resort project valued at over $200 million.

Today, servicing a handful of private clients, Alex has chosen to expand his consulting practice and further develop programs focused on advancing the customer and employee experience. While servicing clients, Alex continues to learn about his field, returning to the University of Central Florida Marketing department to help drive graduate behavioral research study programs related to customer experience. Alex is also is certified in project management and Predictive Index, remaining active in its community aimed at talent optimization.

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